Entries by Steam Traction World

Weather Update

Looking back to our John O Groats to Lands End Lykamobile challenge, we now never think the weather can be as bad!

Our Story

Large Scale Fully Machined kits for self assembly. No special skills or machinery required just basic hand tools.

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Christmas 2018 – Steve Traction World

Over the past few years our Christmas gift for all our friends and supporters has been a humorous adventure and song often featuring the engines and staff from Steam Traction World. Our very own character (we’ve called Dave) has been the performer for the previous two Christmases with a star-studded singing parody last year. This […]

Steve Baldock

Steve Baldock 1955-2018 Diagnosed in the beginning of 2017 with the later stages of Prostate Cancer, Steve was able to spend some quality time for himself before treatment and the pokes and prods from all the specialists was to begin and travelled, visited friends and enjoyed life with the full knowledge of the dark days […]

Steam Traction World Ten Year Anniversary

Steam Traction World celebrated 10 years at the Banbury (Bloxham) Rally. To celebrate 50 years of the Banbury Rally – here’s 50 fabulous photos of the weekend.

Moving In

Moving in to our new building. [modula id=”533″]

Deal Done

Exciting times as we finally get the keys to the new unit. Celebrations all round!

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Christmas 2017 – Build a Burrell

Well Tweedily deedily dee it’s time for some more festive fun with miniature steam engineers, Steam Traction World. Each year, around Christmas time, to say thank you for the continued support of customers, friends and family, Steam Traction World offer a uniquely original, some may say masterpiece (most will not), yuletide yarn for your enjoyment. […]

Moving Out

Out from the old factory to the shiny new one. Despite being only around the corner it was a huge task to move all our gear! [modula id=”494″]