Christmas 2021: Life’s a Happy Song
Are you adorned in your finest woollen Christmas jumper? Are your sprouts simmering nicely? The mulled wine gently warming and the chestnuts roasting by the open fire?
A festive welcome (yes, yes it’s still only November). It’s the annual Christmas Steam Traction World ‘thank you’ – a little something we put together to (hopefully) raise a smile and to wish all our customers, followers, friends and family a very Merry Christmas.
This year we thought long and hard for inspiration.
Once again our business focus is providing a quality product to our wonderful customers – so to you, both old and new steam enthusiasts, those who like to build, those that tinker, make and form, those that solve and fabricate and those that visit shows, display at shows and enjoy what we do. Our community of individuals, clubs, suppliers, businesses, events, magazines, historic collections and museums, those that like sheds and garages …and, finally the whole social aspect of our hobby, this is for you. Wherever in the world you are.
With numerous references to current situations and featuring a host of characters previously appearing in our Christmas films, there’s a lot going on, so sit back enjoy and, if you possibly could, give it a like, a comment or a share over on Facebook. We’ll compile all the name-checks and add them to our website, so feel free to give a comment and wish someone you know a Merry Christmas, or give a shout out to your business, club or organisation and it’ll be a permanent addition to our site.
Thank you.
We have learned so much. Not just how the John Lewis spaceship crashes for their annual Christmas advert, but little things like, singing is really difficult. The limitations of double-sided sticky tape. Getting people to appear in front of camera is really difficult and how you can get pins and needles in your hands after rather a lot of retakes! With all things considered and our annual budget of nothing, for this, we hope you like our festive film for 2021. It’ll probably be the best thing on our screens over Christmas (with the exception of The Great Escape and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang). Remember folks, we are engineers, not Pixar.
Merch Mugs as seen can be purchased (not only do they make excellent drinking vessels but superb Christmas presents too!)
#steamtractionworld #lifesahappysong