Despite staffing shortages due to Covid restrictions, it’s still onward and upward at STW.
Orders continue to be excellent (we have 9 people on a waiting list for complete sets of kits for the Road Loco alone) and things here remain busier than ever. Added to this, we have also recently started placing adverts in magazines in the USA as we look to push our products across the pond and get the ‘brand’ known in the States.
With all this in mind, another new machine has been ordered and is being delivered next week (2nd February). Slightly larger than the V30iF we ordered at the end of 2019 and identical to the V32iF that we purchased last year (pictured below). This takes our investment in new state of the art CNC machinery to in excess of £200,000 in 18 months. An investment we hope everyone sees the benefit of, with faster cycle times, better quality and improved delivery.
With Covid being with us a year now and all of our lives changing so much, it really hits home even harder that we all only have so much time to achieve what we want in life……Don’t wait until tomorrow to start doing what you dream of today…..So whats stopping you??